Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
(function ($) { 'use strict'; $(function () { // flot chart script $(function () { 'use strict' var dashData3 = [ [0, 55], [1, 59], [2, 57], [3, 50], [4, 48], [5, 45], [6, 43], [7, 39], [8, 35], [9, 37], [10, 38], [11, 36], [12, 38], [13, 35], [14, 37], [15, 35], [16, 39], [17, 37], [18, 38], [19, 35], [20, 32], [21, 36], [22, 40], [23, 34], [24, 39], [25, 33], [26, 30], [27, 29], [28, 35], [29, 29], [30, 27], [31, 25], [32, 28], [33, 24], [34, 25], [35, 23], [36, 27], [37, 26], [38, 23], [39, 27], [40, 28], [41, 25], [42, 29], [43, 31], [44, 33], [45, 39], [46, 34], [47, 34], [48, 34], [49, 38], [50, 36], [51, 38], [52, 33], [53, 35], [54, 37], [55, 33], [56, 29], [57, 36], [58, 37], [59, 40], [60, 38], [61, 35], [62, 40], [63, 41], [64, 43], [65, 47], [66, 51], [67, 53], [68, 56], [69, 49], [70, 46], [71, 40], [72, 41], [73, 44], [74, 40], [75, 43], [76, 40], [77, 45], [78, 40], [79, 42], [80, 40], [81, 38], [82, 36], [83, 37], [84, 39], [85, 43], [86, 45], [87, 45], [88, 47], [89, 45], [90, 46] ]; var dashData4 = [ [0, 75], [1, 70], [2, 65], [3, 60], [4, 57], [5, 53], [6, 49], [7, 45], [8, 54], [9, 52], [10, 50], [11, 45], [12, 41], [13, 37], [14, 54], [15, 49], [16, 52], [17, 52], [18, 52], [19, 50], [20, 49], [21, 45], [22, 45], [23, 45], [24, 58], [25, 57], [26, 56], [27, 54], [28, 54], [29, 54], [30, 50], [31, 49], [32, 48], [33, 47], [34, 46], [35, 48], [36, 49], [37, 50], [38, 51], [39, 53], [40, 55], [41, 59], [42, 65], [43, 71], [44, 76], [45, 74], [46, 74], [47, 74], [48, 74], [49, 67], [50, 60], [51, 58], [52, 57], [53, 56], [54, 59], [55, 64], [56, 67], [57, 65], [58, 67], [59, 70], [60, 68], [61, 66], [62, 64], [63, 59], [64, 57], [65, 59], [66, 56], [67, 53], [68, 45], [69, 50], [70, 55], [71, 57], [72, 62], [73, 65], [74, 63], [75, 64], [76, 68], [77, 65], [78, 60], [79, 62], [80, 59], [81, 57], [82, 55], [83, 54], [84, 50], [85, 55], [86, 53], [87, 50], [88, 48], [89, 49], [90, 50] ]; function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } var plot = $.plot('#flotChart', [{ data: dashData4, color: '#5e6eed', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(94, 110, 237, 0.03)' } }, { data: dashData3, color: '#00cff4', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(230, 246, 249, 0.15)' } }], { series: { shadowSize: 0, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true } }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, labelMargin: 8 }, yaxis: { show: true, min: 0, max: 100, ticks: true, }, xaxis: { show: true, color: '#fff', tickColor: '#eee', ticks: [[0, '4'], [10, '8'], [20, '12'], [30, '16'], [40, '20'], [50, '24'], [60, '28'], [70, '32'], [80, '36'], [90, '40']], } }); }); // flot dark $(function () { 'use strict' var dashDatadark3 = [ [0, 55], [1, 59], [2, 57], [3, 50], [4, 48], [5, 45], [6, 43], [7, 39], [8, 35], [9, 37], [10, 38], [11, 36], [12, 38], [13, 35], [14, 37], [15, 35], [16, 39], [17, 37], [18, 38], [19, 35], [20, 32], [21, 36], [22, 40], [23, 34], [24, 39], [25, 33], [26, 30], [27, 29], [28, 35], [29, 29], [30, 27], [31, 25], [32, 28], [33, 24], [34, 25], [35, 23], [36, 27], [37, 26], [38, 23], [39, 27], [40, 28], [41, 25], [42, 29], [43, 31], [44, 33], [45, 39], [46, 34], [47, 34], [48, 34], [49, 38], [50, 36], [51, 38], [52, 33], [53, 35], [54, 37], [55, 33], [56, 29], [57, 36], [58, 37], [59, 40], [60, 38], [61, 35], [62, 40], [63, 41], [64, 43], [65, 47], [66, 51], [67, 53], [68, 56], [69, 49], [70, 46], [71, 40], [72, 41], [73, 44], [74, 40], [75, 43], [76, 40], [77, 45], [78, 40], [79, 42], [80, 40], [81, 38], [82, 36], [83, 37], [84, 39], [85, 43], [86, 45], [87, 45], [88, 47], [89, 45], [90, 46] ]; var dashDatadark4 = [ [0, 75], [1, 70], [2, 65], [3, 60], [4, 57], [5, 53], [6, 49], [7, 45], [8, 54], [9, 52], [10, 50], [11, 45], [12, 41], [13, 37], [14, 54], [15, 49], [16, 52], [17, 52], [18, 52], [19, 50], [20, 49], [21, 45], [22, 45], [23, 45], [24, 58], [25, 57], [26, 56], [27, 54], [28, 54], [29, 54], [30, 50], [31, 49], [32, 48], [33, 47], [34, 46], [35, 48], [36, 49], [37, 50], [38, 51], [39, 53], [40, 55], [41, 59], [42, 65], [43, 71], [44, 76], [45, 74], [46, 74], [47, 74], [48, 74], [49, 67], [50, 60], [51, 58], [52, 57], [53, 56], [54, 59], [55, 64], [56, 67], [57, 65], [58, 67], [59, 70], [60, 68], [61, 66], [62, 64], [63, 59], [64, 57], [65, 59], [66, 56], [67, 53], [68, 45], [69, 50], [70, 55], [71, 57], [72, 62], [73, 65], [74, 63], [75, 64], [76, 68], [77, 65], [78, 60], [79, 62], [80, 59], [81, 57], [82, 55], [83, 54], [84, 50], [85, 55], [86, 53], [87, 50], [88, 48], [89, 49], [90, 50] ]; function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } var plot = $.plot('#flotChartDark', [{ data: dashDatadark4, color: '#5e6eed', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(230, 246, 249, 0.06)' } }, { data: dashDatadark3, color: '#00cff4', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(230, 246, 249, 0.11)' } }], { series: { shadowSize: 0, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true } }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, labelMargin: 8 }, yaxis: { show: true, min: 0, max: 100, ticks: true, }, xaxis: { show: true, color: '#fff', tickColor: 'rgba(88, 88, 88, 0.36)', ticks: [[0, '4'], [10, '8'], [20, '12'], [30, '16'], [40, '20'], [50, '24'], [60, '28'], [70, '32'], [80, '36'], [90, '40']], } }); }); // line chart script var data = { labels: ["10", "", "20", "", "30", "", "40", "", "50", "", "60"], datasets: [{ label: '# of Votes', data: [10, 9, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 13, 12, 14, 13], backgroundColor: [ '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', ], borderColor: [ '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', ], borderWidth: 1, fill: false }] }; var options = { scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { display: false, min: 0 }, gridLines: { display: false }, beginAtZero: true }], xAxes: [{ barPercentage: 0.4, gridLines: { drawBorder: false, } }] }, legend: { display: false }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } }; if ($("#barchart").length) { var barChartCanvas = $("#barchart").get(0).getContext("2d"); // This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection. var barChart = new Chart(barChartCanvas, { type: 'bar', data: data, options: options }); } // flot-bar chart $(function () { var data = [ ["0", 5], ["1", 6], ["2", 7], ["3", 6], ["4", 7], ["5", 8], ["6", 7], ["7", 9], ]; if ($("#column-chart").length) { $.plot("#column-chart", [data], { series: { bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.2, align: "center", fillColor: '#ffffff', }, color: '#ffffff', lines: { fill: true, } }, xaxis: { mode: "categories", tickLength: 0, ticks: [], }, yaxis: { ticks: [], }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, labelMargin: 10, hoverable: true, clickable: true, mouseActiveRadius: 6, } }); } }); // star rating scrjipt $('#star-1').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 5 }); $('#star-2').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 2 }); $('#star-3').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 4 }); $('#star-4').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 3 }); $('#star-5').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 4 }); $('#star-6').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 3 }); $('#star-7').barrating({ theme: 'css-stars', showSelectedRating: false, initialRating: 3 }); // doughnut chart starts here if ($("#doughnutChart1").length) { var ctx = document.getElementById('doughnutChart1').getContext("2d"); var Blue = '#5e6eed'; var red = '#ff5730'; var green = '#00cff4'; var trafficChartData = { datasets: [{ data: [30, 30, 40], backgroundColor: [ Blue, green, red ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ Blue, green, red ], borderColor: [ Blue, green, red ], legendColor: [ Blue, green, red ] }], // These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs labels: [ 'Organic search', 'Refferral', 'Social Media', ] }; var trafficChartOptions = { responsive: true, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, legend: false, legendCallback: function (chart) { var text = []; text.push('<ul>'); for (var i = 0; i < trafficChartData.datasets[0].data.length; i++) { text.push('<li><span class="legend-dots" style="background:' + trafficChartData.datasets[0].legendColor[i] + '"></span>'); if (trafficChartData.labels[i]) { text.push(trafficChartData.labels[i]); } // text.push('<span class="float-right">' + trafficChartData.datasets[0].data[i] + "%" + '</span>') text.push('</li>'); } text.push('</ul>'); return text.join(''); } }; var trafficChartCanvas = $("#doughnutChart1").get(0).getContext("2d"); var trafficChart = new Chart(trafficChartCanvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: trafficChartData, options: trafficChartOptions }); $("#doughnut-chart-legend").html(trafficChart.generateLegend()); } if ($("#doughnutChart2").length) { var ctx = document.getElementById('doughnutChart2').getContext("2d"); var blue1 = '#5e6eed'; var red1 = '#ff0d59'; var green1 = '#00d284'; var trafficChartData = { datasets: [{ data: [40, 20, 40], backgroundColor: [ blue1, green1, red1 ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ blue1, green1, red1 ], borderColor: [ blue1, green1, red1 ], legendColor: [ blue1, green1, red1 ] }], // These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs labels: [ 'Page views', 'New users', 'Bounce rate', ] }; var trafficChartOptions = { responsive: true, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, legend: false, legendCallback: function (chart) { var text = []; text.push('<ul>'); for (var i = 0; i < trafficChartData.datasets[0].data.length; i++) { text.push('<li><span class="legend-dots" style="background:' + trafficChartData.datasets[0].legendColor[i] + '"></span>'); if (trafficChartData.labels[i]) { text.push(trafficChartData.labels[i]); } // text.push('<span class="float-right">' + trafficChartData.datasets[0].data[i] + "%" + '</span>') text.push('</li>'); } text.push('</ul>'); return text.join(''); } }; var trafficChartCanvas = $("#doughnutChart2").get(0).getContext("2d"); var trafficChart = new Chart(trafficChartCanvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: trafficChartData, options: trafficChartOptions }); $("#doughnut-chart-legend2").html(trafficChart.generateLegend()); } if ($("#doughnutChart3").length) { var ctx = document.getElementById('doughnutChart3').getContext("2d"); var blue2 = '#00cff4'; var red2 = '#ff0d59'; var green2 = '#00d284'; var trafficChartData = { datasets: [{ data: [40, 50, 10], backgroundColor: [ blue2, green2, red2 ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ blue2, green2, red2 ], borderColor: [ blue2, green2, red2 ], legendColor: [ blue2, green2, red2 ] }], // These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs labels: [ 'Iphone', 'Samsung', 'Oneplus', ] }; var trafficChartOptions = { responsive: true, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, legend: false, legendCallback: function (chart) { var text = []; text.push('<ul>'); for (var i = 0; i < trafficChartData.datasets[0].data.length; i++) { text.push('<li><span class="legend-dots" style="background:' + trafficChartData.datasets[0].legendColor[i] + '"></span>'); if (trafficChartData.labels[i]) { text.push(trafficChartData.labels[i]); } text.push('</li>'); } text.push('</ul>'); return text.join(''); } }; var trafficChartCanvas = $("#doughnutChart3").get(0).getContext("2d"); var trafficChart = new Chart(trafficChartCanvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: trafficChartData, options: trafficChartOptions }); $("#doughnut-chart-legend3").html(trafficChart.generateLegend()); } }); // gradient line chart if ($("#linechart").length) { var chart = document.getElementById('linechart').getContext('2d'), gradient = chart.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 150); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0, 210, 132, 0.78)'); gradient.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)'); var data = { labels: ["", "jan", "", "feb", "", "mar", "", "apr", "", "may", "", "nov", ""], datasets: [{ label: 'Custom Label Name', backgroundColor: gradient, pointBackgroundColor: 'white', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#00d284', data: [15, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 13, 14, 16, 15, 16, 17, 18], }] }; var options = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true, animation: { easing: 'easeInOutQuad', duration: 520 }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: 'rgba(0, 210, 132, 0.41)', lineWidth: 1, drawBorder: false, } }], yAxes: [{ gridLines: { display: false, drawBorder: false }, ticks: { display: false, beginAtZero: true } }] }, elements: { line: { tension: 0.4 } }, legend: { display: false }, point: { backgroundColor: 'white' }, }; var chartInstance = new Chart(chart, { type: 'line', data: data, options: options }); } // linechart dark if ($("#linechartDark").length) { var chart = document.getElementById('linechartDark').getContext('2d'), gradient = chart.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 150); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0, 210, 132, 0.78)'); gradient.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.01)'); var data = { labels: ["", "jan", "", "feb", "", "mar", "", "apr", "", "may", "", "nov", ""], datasets: [{ label: 'Custom Label Name', backgroundColor: gradient, pointBackgroundColor: 'white', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#00d284', data: [15, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 13, 14, 16, 15, 16, 17, 18], }] }; var options = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true, animation: { easing: 'easeInOutQuad', duration: 520 }, scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { color: 'rgba(0, 210, 132, 0.41)', lineWidth: 1, drawBorder: false, } }], yAxes: [{ gridLines: { display: false, drawBorder: false }, ticks: { display: false, beginAtZero: true } }] }, elements: { line: { tension: 0.4 } }, legend: { display: false }, point: { backgroundColor: 'white' }, }; var chartInstance = new Chart(chart, { type: 'line', data: data, options: options }); } // flot chart hospital patient total $(function () { 'use strict' var patientTotalData3 = [ [0, 55], [1, 59], [2, 57], [3, 50], [4, 48], [5, 45], [6, 43], [7, 39], [8, 35], [9, 37], [10, 38], [11, 36], [12, 38], [13, 35], [14, 37], [15, 35], [16, 39], [17, 37], [18, 38], [19, 35], [20, 32], [21, 36], [22, 40], [23, 34], [24, 39], [25, 33], [26, 30], [27, 29], [28, 35], [29, 29], [30, 27], [31, 25], [32, 28], [33, 24], [34, 25], [35, 23], [36, 27], [37, 26], [38, 23], [39, 27], [40, 28], [41, 25], [42, 29], [43, 31], [44, 33], [45, 39], [46, 34], [47, 34], [48, 34], [49, 38], [50, 36], [51, 38], [52, 33], [53, 35], [54, 37], [55, 33], [56, 29], [57, 36], [58, 37], [59, 40], [60, 38], [61, 35], [62, 40], [63, 41], [64, 43], [65, 47], [66, 51], [67, 53], [68, 56], [69, 49], [70, 46], [71, 40], [72, 41], [73, 44], [74, 40], [75, 43], [76, 40], [77, 45], [78, 40], [79, 42], [80, 40], [81, 38], [82, 36], [83, 37], [84, 39], [85, 43], [86, 45], [87, 45], [88, 47], [89, 45], [90, 46] ]; var patientTotalData4 = [ [0, 45], [1, 70], [2, 65], [3, 60], [4, 57], [5, 53], [6, 49], [7, 45], [8, 54], [9, 52], [10, 50], [11, 45], [12, 41], [13, 37], [14, 54], [15, 49], [16, 52], [17, 52], [18, 52], [19, 50], [20, 49], [21, 45], [22, 45], [23, 45], [24, 58], [25, 57], [26, 56], [27, 54], [28, 54], [29, 54], [30, 50], [31, 49], [32, 48], [33, 47], [34, 46], [35, 48], [36, 49], [37, 50], [38, 51], [39, 53], [40, 55], [41, 59], [42, 65], [43, 71], [44, 76], [45, 74], [46, 74], [47, 74], [48, 74], [49, 67], [50, 60], [51, 58], [52, 57], [53, 56], [54, 59], [55, 64], [56, 67], [57, 65], [58, 67], [59, 70], [60, 68], [61, 66], [62, 64], [63, 59], [64, 57], [65, 59], [66, 56], [67, 53], [68, 45], [69, 50], [70, 55], [71, 57], [72, 62], [73, 65], [74, 63], [75, 64], [76, 68], [77, 65], [78, 60], [79, 62], [80, 59], [81, 57], [82, 55], [83, 54], [84, 50], [85, 55], [86, 53], [87, 50], [88, 48], [89, 49], [90, 50] ]; function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } var plot = $.plot('#patientTotal', [{ data: patientTotalData4, color: '#00d284', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(94, 110, 237, 0.03)' } }, { data: patientTotalData3, color: '#5e6eed', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(239, 241, 254, .24)' } }], { series: { shadowSize: 0, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true } }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, labelMargin: 8 }, yaxis: { show: true, min: 0, max: 90, ticks: true, }, xaxis: { show: true, color: '#fff', tickColor: '#eee', ticks: [[0, 'Sun'], [15, 'Mon'], [30, 'Tue'], [45, 'Wed'], [60, 'Thu'], [75, 'Fri'], [90, 'Sat']], } }); }); // flot dark $(function () { 'use strict' var patientTotaldark3 = [ [0, 55], [1, 59], [2, 57], [3, 50], [4, 48], [5, 45], [6, 43], [7, 39], [8, 35], [9, 37], [10, 38], [11, 36], [12, 38], [13, 35], [14, 37], [15, 35], [16, 39], [17, 37], [18, 38], [19, 35], [20, 32], [21, 36], [22, 40], [23, 34], [24, 39], [25, 33], [26, 30], [27, 29], [28, 35], [29, 29], [30, 27], [31, 25], [32, 28], [33, 24], [34, 25], [35, 23], [36, 27], [37, 26], [38, 23], [39, 27], [40, 28], [41, 25], [42, 29], [43, 31], [44, 33], [45, 39], [46, 34], [47, 34], [48, 34], [49, 38], [50, 36], [51, 38], [52, 33], [53, 35], [54, 37], [55, 33], [56, 29], [57, 36], [58, 37], [59, 40], [60, 38], [61, 35], [62, 40], [63, 41], [64, 43], [65, 47], [66, 51], [67, 53], [68, 56], [69, 49], [70, 46], [71, 40], [72, 41], [73, 44], [74, 40], [75, 43], [76, 40], [77, 45], [78, 40], [79, 42], [80, 40], [81, 38], [82, 36], [83, 37], [84, 39], [85, 43], [86, 45], [87, 45], [88, 47], [89, 45], [90, 46] ]; var patientTotaldark4 = [ [0, 75], [1, 70], [2, 65], [3, 60], [4, 57], [5, 53], [6, 49], [7, 45], [8, 54], [9, 52], [10, 50], [11, 45], [12, 41], [13, 37], [14, 54], [15, 49], [16, 52], [17, 52], [18, 52], [19, 50], [20, 49], [21, 45], [22, 45], [23, 45], [24, 58], [25, 57], [26, 56], [27, 54], [28, 54], [29, 54], [30, 50], [31, 49], [32, 48], [33, 47], [34, 46], [35, 48], [36, 49], [37, 50], [38, 51], [39, 53], [40, 55], [41, 59], [42, 65], [43, 71], [44, 76], [45, 74], [46, 74], [47, 74], [48, 74], [49, 67], [50, 60], [51, 58], [52, 57], [53, 56], [54, 59], [55, 64], [56, 67], [57, 65], [58, 67], [59, 70], [60, 68], [61, 66], [62, 64], [63, 59], [64, 57], [65, 59], [66, 56], [67, 53], [68, 45], [69, 50], [70, 55], [71, 57], [72, 62], [73, 65], [74, 63], [75, 64], [76, 68], [77, 65], [78, 60], [79, 62], [80, 59], [81, 57], [82, 55], [83, 54], [84, 50], [85, 55], [86, 53], [87, 50], [88, 48], [89, 49], [90, 50] ]; function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } function bgFlotData(num, val) { var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { data.push([i, val]); } return data; } var plot = $.plot('#patientTotalDark', [{ data: patientTotaldark4, color: '#5e6eed', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(230, 246, 249, 0.06)' } }, { data: patientTotaldark3, color: '#00cff4', lines: { fillColor: 'rgba(230, 246, 249, 0.11)' } }], { series: { shadowSize: 0, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true } }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, labelMargin: 8 }, yaxis: { show: true, min: 0, max: 100, ticks: true, }, xaxis: { show: true, color: '#fff', tickColor: 'rgba(88, 88, 88, 0.36)', ticks: [[0, '4'], [10, '8'], [20, '12'], [30, '16'], [40, '20'], [50, '24'], [60, '28'], [70, '32'], [80, '36'], [90, '40']], } }); }); if ($("#deseaseReport").length) { var ctx = document.getElementById('deseaseReport').getContext("2d"); var deseaseReportData = { datasets: [{ data: [10, 30, 40, 20], backgroundColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ], borderColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ], legendColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ] }], // These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs labels: [ 'Pneumonia', 'Daibetis', 'Colds', 'Flue' ] }; var deseaseReportOptions = { responsive: true, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, legend: false, legendCallback: function (chart) { var text = []; text.push('<ul class="m-auto ps-0 w-100 d-flex justify-content-between">'); for (var i = 0; i < deseaseReportData.datasets[0].data.length; i++) { text.push('<li><div><span class="legend-dots" style="background:' + deseaseReportData.datasets[0].legendColor[i] + '"></span>'); if (deseaseReportData.labels[i]) { text.push(deseaseReportData.labels[i]); } text.push('</div></li>'); } text.push('</ul>'); return text.join(''); } }; var deseaseReportCanvas = $("#deseaseReport").get(0).getContext("2d"); var deseaseReport = new Chart(deseaseReportCanvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: deseaseReportData, options: deseaseReportOptions }); $("#deseaseReport-legend3").html(deseaseReport.generateLegend()); } if ($("#employeeDepartment").length) { var ctx = document.getElementById('employeeDepartment').getContext("2d"); var employeeDepartmentData = { datasets: [{ data: [10, 30, 40, 20], backgroundColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ], borderColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ], legendColor: [ "#00cff4", "#5e6eed", "#ff0d59", "#00d284" ] }], // These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs labels: [ 'Developer', 'Designer', 'Sales', 'Tester' ] }; var employeeDepartmentOptions = { responsive: true, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, legend: false, legendCallback: function (chart) { var text = []; text.push('<ul class="m-auto ps-0 w-100">'); for (var i = 0; i < employeeDepartmentData.datasets[0].data.length; i++) { text.push('<li class="mb-1"><div><span class="legend-dots" style="background:' + employeeDepartmentData.datasets[0].legendColor[i] + '"></span>'); if (employeeDepartmentData.labels[i]) { text.push(employeeDepartmentData.labels[i]); } text.push('</div></li>'); } text.push('</ul>'); return text.join(''); } }; var employeeDepartmentCanvas = $("#employeeDepartment").get(0).getContext("2d"); var employeeDepartment = new Chart(employeeDepartmentCanvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: employeeDepartmentData, options: employeeDepartmentOptions }); $("#employeeDepartment-legend3").html(employeeDepartment.generateLegend()); } var totalSalaryData = { labels: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], datasets: [{ label: '# of Votes', data: [76, 65, 24, 65, 89, 122, 146], backgroundColor: [ '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', ], borderColor: [ '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', '#5e6eed', ], borderWidth: 1, fill: false }] }; var totalSalaryOptions = { scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { display: false, min: 0 }, gridLines: { display: false }, beginAtZero: true }], xAxes: [{ barPercentage: 0.3, gridLines: { drawBorder: false, color: "rgba(169, 169, 169, .32)" } }] }, legend: { display: false }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } }; if ($("#totalSalary").length) { var totalSalaryCanvas = $("#totalSalary").get(0).getContext("2d"); // This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection. var totalSalary = new Chart(totalSalaryCanvas, { type: 'bar', data: totalSalaryData, options: totalSalaryOptions }); } $(".close-hr-banner").on("click", function() { $('.hr-banner').hide(); }); if ($.cookie('plus-free-banner')!="true") { document.querySelector('#proBanner').classList.add('d-flex'); } else { document.querySelector('#proBanner').classList.add('d-none'); } document.querySelector('#bannerClose').addEventListener('click',function() { document.querySelector('#proBanner').classList.add('d-none'); document.querySelector('#proBanner').classList.remove('d-flex'); var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); $.cookie('plus-free-banner', "true", { expires: date }); }); })(jQuery);